Hi, I’m Gary, born and raised in Sydney, Australia. I run a startup called Bloom AI, an AI tutor platform for schools and universities. I write about AI in education on Substack. I also provide strategy consulting to educational institutions and startups.
I have over a decade of experience as an educator, both at a high school and university level. I teach economics and mathematics at UNSW, and the University of Sydney. I previously started and operated a tutoring company focused on personalised high school tuition, with a team of 20 at its peak.
Previously, I worked as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company. I did a rotation through the McKinsey Global Institute thinktank, where I did research on the Future of Asian consumers, global flows and the African economy. I’ve also worked at a low-code automation startup, and had stints at Goldman Sachs and a high frequency trading firm.
I studied economics and pure mathematics at UNSW and Wharton. I wrote an Honours thesis in graph theory, and have jointly published a paper based on the results. I’ve previously been a researcher in economics (game theory and industrial organisation), mathematics (combinatorics and graph theory) and computer science (blockchain and data provenance). My ErdÅ‘s number is 3.
I’m gradually publishing my high school notes online and have authored an economics workbook for Year 12 students.